But ehy really do amaze me. How easily they can love or even fear a human. The ones that fear remind me of people, what people really are. The ones that arent remind me too of what people really are. its weird i know, but it makes sense at the same time. funny.
i think ill add more whn i figure more out.
This cats name was ki-ki
he was MINE.
he trusted nobody but me,and only allowed people to pet him when i was around because he knew i would prtect him if anyone tried to do anything wrong. i got him when i live at my old house and when we moved my mom didnt want to bring him. I walked him through our old house empty and he looked scared, as if he knew what was happening. About a day or two later thinking about him i cried. So we drove back and got him then brought him here. I had to walk him on a leash a few days to use the restroom outside so he wouldnt run away. Soon he got used to this place and it became his. At our old house someone had though it would be fun to shoot at him with a bb gun. he came in one day with a siler thing shining from inside the top of his tail, so i told my mom to help me take what looked like the tiny head of a nail out of him. He also had one in his right cheek. Under his right eye was another that he had gotten out himself. Due to him tearing it out he had a hole in face pretty much. Right under his eye there was a part of him missing and it looked horrible. THat is why my mom didnt want to brong him,i think she figured he would soon die and didnt want me to deal with that. But he lived 3 more years here at our new house. The hole cause a lot of people to treat him bad and never want to pet him or be near him, so nobody loved him but me. I dont know how he died. One night he sat in the driveway and watched me as i walked out to call him in for food, he wouldnt move. So i sat next to him and pet him for a good or 30 minutes, after i kissed him on the head and said goodnight. He sat and wathced me walk awa As i walked away he still sat there watching me. It was weord cause usually he would come in at night and sleep in my room but that night he just stayed in that spot and wathced me go back in. I never saw him after that.
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