Thursday, January 29, 2009

"m y d a y s b l u r t o g e t h e r i n t o a b u s y r a i n b o w o f a m a z e m e n t"



bad.bad.bad.bad.bad.bad.bad day.

inspiring words.
good thoughts.
happy memories.
endless possibilities

made it all better.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

miss. miss

i miss things.

a lot.








but life is getting soft in your ways lovely.still deeply and madly in like.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

throw your arms around my neck

hard times for an honest man

its enough to bring you to tears.
but there's just no end.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Don't try to take on too much all at once. You'll have the breakthrough you want later in the week.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

dream of murder-someone upsets or saddens you

dream of travel (attempting to travel with certain people)- life's adventures, trying to get away. i never made it.
i always seem to let them go alone.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


you drunk fool

its a pattern.

it hurts sometimes.
then it goes away.
out of sight out of mind.
move on.
get better.
come back.
sit down.
your right back to it.
that slump.

theres a little pain.
then it goes away.
but you can still remember that pain.
faintly feeling what it was.
that state you were in.
kind of like a ghost.
its there,but not.
then you move on.
then, well...pain.

it honestly is nothing.means nothing.ends up as doesn't matter.
once you realize that,your free.

but its the feeling of having something..
a plan, a schedule
,a pattern.
having everything set out for you that keeps you going back to the ups the downs.
the bad times the good times, and holding on to each of them for dear life.
cause without them we would have nothing to depend on.
it would all be up to us.

WE ,would have to make ourselves.

make our lives.

true creativity.

for some people,thats just too much to handle.

(and i do admit,sometimes i lack the imagination.)